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Society's Aspect

You told her if she wore that dress,

She'd be the prettiest of all,

You told her she should wear high heels,

Because she needed to be tall,

You told her how to cut her hair,

And how much skin to show,

You told her exactly what to wear,

"Trust me, because I know"

You told her if she wanted boys,

She had to change her ways,

You told her to wear make-up,

Because plain skin's not okay,

You told her who she could love,

That anything different was wrong,

But you made her feel secluded,

Like she would never belong,

She hated wearing dresses,

And she couldn't walk in heels.

She couldn't live to your standards,

And all of your ideals,

So you told her what she felt,

was the furthest from the truth,

She couldn't be "depressed",

Because she was in her youth.

You told her she was a "freak"

that she would never fit in

But then you told her nothing.

-unknown (pinterest)

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